Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Blog Steal

I cannot sleep, and it is 11:15PM. I need to sleep, so as I wait for my sleep aid to work (with my pain meds for my chest), I started to read some of my favorite blogs...and saw this fun "survey".

Make a list of things you can see without getting up:
My lovely Philips flats screen TVs (with Sex and the City on), my beautiful green couch, and stack of books: One Fifth Ave, Cary Grant, Helen of Troy, etc...

Favorite football team:
UCLA hands down. And the Oakland Raiders (silver and black will someday be back!)

What are you wearing now?
Old Navy t and J Crew pj bottoms...

What color is your bedroom?
Cream and green, and white...

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?
Two books: One Fifth Ave and Cary Grant.

What was the last movie you saw?
Bride Wars?

Who was the last person you hugged?

What’s your current obsession/addiction?
JCrew (often), Disney (always) and Tiffany's (forever)

What was the last thing you said aloud?
I am sorry (for those that know me, this will make you laugh!)

What websites do you always visit when you go online?,,,,

What was the last thing you bought?
A coke (if that counts) and a handbag online from JCrew...(bad, bad, bad!)

What are you listening to right now?
Carrie Bradshaw (on the TV) but on my IPod I have Queen (of course).

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Super speed (to get to work faster!)

What is your favorite weather, and why?
Rain, snow and cold...makes me relax...

What time do you usually get up?
6AM on the weekdays and 7AM on the weekends (normally)

What is your most challenging goal right now?
To be happy. I really just want to achieve that, above all other things including a PhD or a lifetime supply of money.

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?

Favorite vacation spot?

If you could choose 4 actors/actresses to have a dinner party with who would they be? (Dead or Alive)
Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Vivienne Leigh and Gregory Peck.

Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you:
Mac and cheese (and french fries with ranch).

Favorite hair product?
Ted Gibson Hair Sheets

What movies do you feel has changed and influenced you most?
Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gone with the Wind.

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